Tuesday | 23 April 2024 | 14 Shawaal 1445


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    FastingQue.ID 137810/25/2021

    Kaffara for breaking fast
    salaam, I got weak and had intercourse with my wife during Ramadan fasting. Do I have a choice for Kaffara? either to make up for the broken fast , either feed 60 people or fast continuously for 60 days. Can I give kaffarah for 60 people in India?
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    WorshipQue.ID 10657/28/2020

    I wanted to know what is the fidya for 1 missed fast as I am not able to fast because I am sick. Also how is the fidya calculated Is the amount of sadqatul fitr and 1 missed fast the same?
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    WorshipQue.ID 24311/3/2018

    Fasting While in Travel
    Assalamualaikum, I am traveling from Chicago to Las Vegas during the month of Ramadhan for a conference, which will last for 3 days. I will be standing on my company's booth speaking with several visitors. My plane journey will start a little late...
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    WorshipQue.ID 10411/23/2017

    Making up Fasts Missed due to Sickness
    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah My wife was unable to fast during her two pregnancies and left almost 50 to 60 fasts during that time. What should she do in this situation when she did not fast due to a legitimate reason? If she cannot fast, is...