Monday | 06 May 2024 | 27 Shawaal 1445

Permissible and Impermissible

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    Permissible and ImpermissibleQue.ID 121111/4/2020

    Self Masturbating in Video Call
    Assalamu Alaikum, My wife and I are sexually very active and my wife wants me to have sex with her at least once a week except during her days of haidh. Now when she goes to her parents home without me, she ends up self-masturbating because I...
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    Permissible and ImpermissibleQue.ID 120411/3/2020

    Punishment ruling for students
    Assalamu Alaikum.I am reaching to you in regards to a few incidents in my family. Many of my relatives gave their children in Qawmi Madrasah in Bangladesh so that their child becomes Hafiz, Alim. But in some cases some undesired incidents left us...
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    Permissible and ImpermissibleQue.ID 11749/26/2020

    Products with wine in cooking
    Is vinegar made from alcohol / wines such as Red, White, Rice allowed for consumption. Are flavoring extracts such as vanilla. mint, orange (made from burbon or vodka) allowed.
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    Permissible and ImpermissibleQue.ID 11729/6/2020

    Ihsan Farm's Halal Certification
    As Salaamu alaikum. I just noticed on your website that Al Ihsan farms Halal certification has expired on 6th of August, 2020. Could you please update me as to whether it is still halal or not. JazakAllah khair. Regards
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    Permissible and ImpermissibleQue.ID 11527/23/2020

    Working for Uber Eats or Other Food Delivery Services
    Is working for Uber Eats food pickup/delivery (or other similar food delivery services) permissible for a Muslim? The food they deliver can either be Haram or Halal. As their employee, you pickup food from the shop and deliver it to the customer...
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    Permissible and ImpermissibleQue.ID 11489/8/2020

    High School
    Aslum U Alikum, I am an 8th grader going into high school and the high school I would like to go to is an all-boys Christian private high school. I chose this high school because there were no Islamic High schools and because the school my mother...
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    Permissible and ImpermissibleQue.ID 11368/30/2020

    Leasing vs Financing Car - Permissible Cases
    Assalamualaikum, Please shed more light regarding islamic stance on leasing and financing a car, is any case allowed in islam and the reason behind it. Jazakallah Khair
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    Permissible and ImpermissibleQue.ID 11278/23/2020

    Pita Inn in Skokie, IL
    Assalam alaikum, I want to know about a restaurant named Pita Inn, which is located in Skokie IL, is it halal or not?
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    Permissible and ImpermissibleQue.ID 11268/23/2020

    Goat Meat from New Zealand
    Assalamualykum Wa Rahmatullah Is it allowed to consume goat meat from Newzealand? We are hearing different opinions from local Shiekh on NZ meat sold in Costco. The NZ grade association confirms strict rules are implemented to follow halal...
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    Permissible and ImpermissibleQue.ID 11079/11/2020

    Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu hamada saaheb, i wanted to ask that why the suicide is not permissible in islam like when i come to your madrasah and ask the question in office, to maulana and you guys answer in way that make me...