Saturday | 04 May 2024 | 25 Shawaal 1445

Fatwa Answer

Question ID: 1757 Category: Interpretation of Dreams
Dream about suckling a strange woman's breast

I saw a dream, nearly at about 4 or 5 am in the morning, that there’re few (STRANGE) ladies, naked and no clothes on body, They’re making merry (happy mood) and enjoying.

A women, among them, was sitting and her baby (BABY was looking more than a year old) was in her lap.

I sucked her breast and had one or two drop of milk in my mouth (not sure if I drank them or was having in my mouth) and she and her son were smiling and happy. I suddenly woke up.

I’m in my mid 30s and unmarried.

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

الجواب وباللہ التوفیق

Keep your heart and mind clean and pure. Your age is for marriage, so it will be better if you get married soon. 

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